Technical skills for teachers in the twenty-first century

11 months ago

Technical skills for teachers in the twenty-first century

There is no doubt that in the twenty-first century we must ask for a lot. When we look at the field of education, we find that the role of the teacher or trainer is much different than it should be, in order to prepare a generation capable of dealing with globalization and the new challenges of knowledge and science in facing the challenges of the future. This represents a challenge for some specialized educational systems to try to recognize the requirements of the twentieth century and the necessary skills so that they can catch up with the requirements of the labor market and confront them effectively.




What are 21st century skills in general? Why should she?




The term 22nd century skills refers to “the set of skills necessary for empirical success in the 22nd century, such as learning skills for all, information, media and technology capabilities, and practical life skills.”




We need twenty-first century skills because of several changes, the most important of which are:


First: The gap between the world within the school, educational institutions and the labor market, as this factor is considered the large, small, skilled business sector ready to qualify employees directly.


Second: Mastery in the field of technology and communication.


Third: Diverse and competing for various global challenges such as economic conditions, ongoing economic conditions, wars and other threats to security and population growth, which requires developing students’ thinking skills for those challenges.


Quadrant 4: The fourth economy where the knowledge age requires a constant supply of highly trained, creative workers and digital tools to apply good skills to their daily work.


Which defines the most important skills needed in the twenty-second century, whether for teachers or learners, we find that they consist of:


1/ The new life skills consist of: difference, adaptation, initiative and self-direction, social skills, productivity, computer skills, leadership and responsibility.


2/ New learning skills consisting of: new creativity skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving, communication and cooperation skills.


3/ The main information skills for technological news include: information culture, as it has been updated, and specialized.


What we have succeeded in taking advantage of digital educational skills in the education sector is optional, to adapt to advanced technology to cover more of it, the more we master it. Possessing such skills reflects positively on newer processes and teaching methods and enhances the professionalism of teachers and trainers.


So how do digital skills contribute to enhancing the education process?


What are digital skills for teachers and trainers? Let's learn about it together in the following lines.

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